3 a.m. phone calls
Monday, November 30, 2009
3 AM
3 a.m. phone calls
Monday, November 23, 2009
ariel is with me now
the painting
the acrylic sheen
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Stream of Consciousness.
i've got flowers underneath my fingernails. and i was wondering when you were coming home, love. the floorboards creek and shift when i'm not looking. i painted the walls blue so i could sleep. my skin is plastered with ghosts that i can't shake. embedded fingerprints and gaping word wounds that burn when my eyes flutter half dead sleep. the mattress has a valley where my body rests less. and i was wondering when you were coming home, love. yesterday was one of those days where i couldn't breathe and i could feel my heartbeat in my hands. i moved my feet but held my tongue. i scribbled on the walls and waited for it to pass. i wanted to deconstruct my thoughts like a shattered oedipus. artifacts for the museum. but the static was too loud. and i was wondering when you were coming home, love.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
dreamscapes haunt walking hours
Monday, October 5, 2009
insomnia 4
Monday, September 28, 2009
susie sits
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Music From the Day...
i don't know which way the feather falls
or if i should blow it to the left
my kind's your kind
i'll stay the same
pack up
don't stray
for the people who can't eat
who work with no sleep
for the child with no shoes on their feet
a generation who flash heat...
after dark my city's a fuse
after dark my city's a fuse
oh, say say say
i’m gonna wait, gonna wait, gonna make it home...
that it was time worth wasting
i wish that you didn't own me no more, i've been here before.
Monday, September 7, 2009
the prayer flags burn to ashes
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sometime Soon
i'm hoping to turn beautiful
Monday, August 3, 2009
days into nights
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Summer 2
lights off as long
as the sun grips
the sky
slowly accepting
her daily death
the wind whistles
through the car door
the radio hums
a tune that is
all the same
falls lake glistens
wild flowers wave
all this
and i haven't
taken a breath
in a week.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Horizons
Friday, July 17, 2009
in memoriam
Thursday, July 16, 2009
the heat seeps
out of the pavement
in long whisps
stealing the air
from my lungs
the city suffocates
and i shuffle
to the mailbox
kicking magnolia leaves
peering inside
for love letters
that never come
the tomatoes
at the farmer’s market
smell sour and earthy
but i’m still
rifling through
dirty clothes
trying to capture
what’s left of your
skin on my shirts
i sit on benches
drinking beer
sweat dripping
down the backs
of my thighs
desperate to remember
anything at all
the sun sets angry red
over the downtown skyline
the buildings are
ugly and fragmented
and i miss
the curve of your back
the construction site
where no one ever works
gapes like hades
in the humid night
i kick cones
and throw rocks
no one sees
me anymore
i can wonder
all night along
the railroad tracks
but it won’t make
the phone ring.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
you and i
crawl concrete
rock specks
sparkle red
in the skin
this merry-go-round
turns again
you and i
do this dance
quite well
my friend
you standing
me on the
and no one
can tell
if you feel
at all.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
your hands would shake
while you talked
as if they didn’t belong
to your body
moving on a will
of their own
you couldn’t get out of
bed for days
wrestling in the dark
avoiding the july sun
but the plants in the
living room were still
green and full
mocking you
in their stillness
the medicines never worked
just leaving you
anxious and bloated
leaving you turning
the pages of the bible
for relief that never came
i would stare
at my own raw hands
at the tearstains
on my shoes
my bloodshot eyes
and unwashed hair
wondering what
help i could possibly
give to you
that i didn’t require
i tossed and turned
in the sheets
i sank and sweltered
in the covers
i breathed too fast
and moved too slow
my fingernails
disappeared again and
i wondered
how long before
my hands started
shaking like that.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Like Paper
i am on the verge of tearstains
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
True Story 4
i was a child and you were a child. we used to hold hands in the hallway because it was what everyone did. i thought i was a woman trapped in a girl's body so i would smoke cigarettes after school and kiss you in the woods on the weekends. you were just my type--breaking all the rules and pretending to be someone who you were not. my mother didn't approve and so i just held your hand tighter. i knew there was something else behind the baggy pants, drugs, and bravado--like the things you would whisper over the phone late at night. you told me about it once--finding your brother that day--gun on the floor and blood on the walls. the house had been too silent, like death, and climbing the stairs was like wading through quicksand. there he was. but it wasn't him at all, just a rag doll limp on the floor. and then there was the waiting. waiting for the proper people to come to take statements, to snap photos, to make it disappear. and then there was the waiting. waiting for the world to feel right again, to stop hurting, to stop crying, to make it disappear. so i just held your hand tighter.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wishing Wells
small hands break like ice
Thursday, May 21, 2009
True Story 3
this is my first funeral. i am nine and can't keep my shoes tied. i can see the coffin from where we sit and it looks alien and sad. someone speaks about your art and the words you bled onto paper. someone else talks about your friend that burned out with you. i have seen the poems and the drawings--you knew you were going to die. but, if we keep saying amen then we don't have to cry. i stare at my feet wondering how we all continue to stand, to walk, to breathe. it was so sudden and now here we are layered in black singing the songs you like, but cannot hear. i remember when your foot got run over by the car in the driveway. who would have known that you were not invincible?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
True Story 2
driving through chimalhuacan with the windows down, my hand tracing the planes of wind as we moved along. we had been drinking micheladas all night. my mouth was on fire, my body numb. your sisters were in the back seat arguing in spanish about the cabron at the entrance to the club. you were angry, your face stone-like and immovable. you had wanted to beat the shit out of him, but we had pulled you into the car. your pride was hurt and somehow it was my fault. i just continued to sit silently in the passenger seat, waiting for it to pass over. you didn't let it. more yelling in rapid sequence. i made a comment and your anger spilled forth into a hand gesture that connected with my face. i sat stunned for a minute. it must have been an accident, but my mind didn't interpret it that way. i completely shut down leaving rationality far behind, screaming at the top of my lungs to stop the car. you pulled the car over into a dirt side street apologizing repeatedly. your sisters were whispering spanish in my ear. all i heard was rage buzzing in my ears. tears streaming down my face i pushed the door open and stepped into the street. i hesitated for a minute, then took off running into the darkness. i could hear you yelling from the car and i didn't care. i pumped my legs faster. my rage and frustration only carrying me further from the situation. i ran until i couldn't breathe, my breath coming out in ragged gasps and muted sobs. it was then that i realized that i had no idea where i was. the street lights were broken and police sirens echoed in the distance. my purse was in the car. there were only 50 pesos in my pocket. all of the sudden this place was no longer beautiful, but dark and scary. i was alone. i sat on a street corner for what seemed like hours too stubborn to walk back to where i thought the car may have been. i sat and questioned everything.
Monday, May 18, 2009
True Story 1
do you remember the night you called me, after having a gun shoved in your face
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I'm missing home...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I have...
i have seen you
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
This is the closest of calls...
displaced as always, i can't feel my hands anymore. i drive for miles unaware of the stops and starts, the bends, the curves, the turns. i wind up nowhere i want to be. the song continues to play, while i sit dreading having to unbuckle the seat belt, open the door, and plant my feet on the ground. i am heaven sent, don't you forget. i am all you've ever wanted...sorry i told. i just needed you to know...i am the cause to all your problems, shelter from cold. we are never alone. coordinate brain and mouth. then ask me what its like to have myself so figured out. i wish i knew... i carry a notebook in pocket in case my brain becomes so full i can't contain the tidal wave of thoughts anymore. i walk and scribble not seeing where i'm going or who i brush elbows with. i stare at my shoes avoiding the cracks. my left hand shakes, tired from having to keep up with my head. this is war. every line is about, who i don't wanna write about anymore...and keeping quiet is hard...oh we're so c-c-c-c-c-c-controversial. we are entirely smooth. we admit to the truth. we are the best at what we do. and these are the words you wish you wrote down... i can feel my heartbeat in my stomach and it keeps me up at night. i am breathing too fast or not at all. i am putting up a fight to resist the reality they have imagined for me. i am brokenfragmented and okay with it. we're concentrating on falling apart.
Monday, March 16, 2009
character cameos
The smoke curls from her lips weaving through the air like an exotic dancer whose hips must cling to a hidden rhythm. The chair is sticking to her bare thighs, so she grabs the edge of the bar and shifts her weight to let the cool air reach the sticky heat of her legs. Slowly, with one finger, she traces the condensation on the rim of the martini glass, absently nodding to her friend seated next to her. the woman's words hang in the air, briefly, waiting for recognition, then deftly fall to the floor. Because, the only thing that is real in this place is the feel of the smooth glass beneath her forefinger and the sweet staleness of the cigarette as she moistens her lips. This night and this seat at the bar is nothing new. It seems that escapism works best garnished with olives.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Confessions of an Insomniac
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Postmodern Humor
Monday, January 26, 2009
I had found you once again--after years of not talking, years of letters started but thrown away, years of wondering if this was finally the end of knowing you. I had found you...and realized that even standing before you, I had lost you. There was something in your face, something that said you had stopped believing that life would change or get any better. I could recall days when your face was the only thing that made me believe in the promise of some future where the wind tastes like salt and the stars stand stark in the sky. Looking at you now, I couldn't find anything that was left of that past or that future. It was then that I had to give up on the idea that our lives would converge again in some cosmic way and all the regrets, the losses, the broken promises, and even the world would be righted once again. And so, I left you that night...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Black Paper
burn and peel
a black ravine
of dead paper
this is where
i tread
like some
ezekiel prophet
talking in my head
the great beasts turn
their wheels
the air tastes like honey
it is when the edges
turn to flakes of dust
that i dance
some ancient dance
and dream
of dense jungles
where rocks speak
and the trees chatter
where my feet
tread whole on the earth
away from the edgework of the paper...EAC