Wednesday, February 11, 2009


She breathes in air and exhales smoke wondering why everything burns and smolders. When was this impenetrable wall of sadness built, and is there anyone who can see her anymore behind the stone and mortar?  She could scream, but it wouldn't break the surface of anything.  It would just lie there like some almost-dead, trapped thing.  Festering.  Seething. Breeding self-loathing.  Coating itself in contempt.  Words fill the space where her heart used to be.  She tried killing them with lust and alcohol, but they just screamed louder under her skin.  She is tired and wishes the face looking back in the mirror would stop blinking long enough to feel safe.  No one tells her anymore that she belongs in this place.  So, she bounces from moment to moment, day to day,  hoping someone--some immovable object in her motion-breeding path--will stop her.  This all stopped feeling real when life became a caricature of some book, some move, some song, she can barely remember.  The characters all laugh too loud and stare too long.  She is just waiting for it all to break open and consume her--flesh to flesh, blood to blood.  She waits inside her head, inside this obelisk she has built for herself.  This way no one can see the scars on her body.  No one can see the words bubble up under the skin, stretching to break free.  However, morning always comes and she awkwardly fakes moving forward--knowing that forward doesn't mean anything.  Knowing that no one asks questions if you simply appear to be awake.  Smiling hurts and everything is predictable here.  She crouches to the ground waiting to hear some answer of why it is harder than before.  Waiting to hear how much longer she has to sleep walk in the sun.  Pulling her hands to her chest she prays for some sort of peace so her skin doesn't hurt anymore and her heart doesn't feel like it's trying to escape her body.  She builds altars to everyone and to no one, lighting candles until her fingertips are charred.  The silence is resounding and the words, they still...pound...pound...pound.

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