Monday, May 4, 2009


i always find it funny
having to use sentences in the past tense
when speaking of you
is such an ugly word
with claws and teeth
that nip and gnash

some keep telling me 
that time is a line
but for now
it is broken and fragmented
the past cutting into the present
your voice echoing where your body
no longer stands

you are washing away
like chalk on pavement
but i keep drawing you back in
nudging the concrete reality
with my shaky fists
with my purple crayon

i can't stand in the house
my feet burning 
into the gray granite in the foyer
my ears screaming 
in protest against the clock in the kitchen
tick tick tick tick

this house 
smells like a life
this house
is lying to me 
as if you were still 
sitting in the leather chair 
with your feet propped up 
on the leather ottoman 
a finished crossword on your lap

this house
is lying 
i won't speak of the prozac
in the cabinets
or the tissues in the trashcans
i wont speak of the wine
in the fridge left over from the funeral
i won't speak

but your books whisper secrets
from the shelves
there's the one you dedicated to us
the black ink set
by your own hands
i can still smell the printing machines now
like i was six 
and coloring under your desk

color is a language
and i am speaking in
blacks and greys
mottling the carpet in the den
dirtying the hardwood on the porch
sullying the sheets in the guest room
so i can avoid 
the shadows on the walls
the distortions in the mirrors

i can't look into the closet
knowing your coats and ties
swing silently on wooden hangers
i sleep with your army tags
underneath the pillow
a voodoo charm so that i might sleep
and dream painlessly
an obol for Charon
in case it becomes too hard to breathe

life has morphed into a static nightmare
like falling when waking up
or imagining that people's faces
are not their own
i'll keep speaking in the past tense
but i am not past 

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