Saturday, November 15, 2008

Molotovs in Mickey Dees...

was sent this article from the North American Animal Liberation Press Office...interesting in light of heavy protests against globalization in the D.F. (Distrito Federal)....more interesting that animal rights has been thrown into the mix...

For Immediate ReleaseNovember 12, 2008
Earth, Animal Liberationists Wage War in Mexico City
received anonymously (translation):
In a first joint action: an informal coordination of groups and individuals for action and for animal and earth liberation, between 4 and 5 in the morning of Friday, November 7, 10 'Bonanno devices' (these are: false bombs, molotov's, incendiary devices... that in this case were 10 false bombs) were placed at the seats of capitalism and exploitation. Those that received this warning were: Burger King's, McDonald's and K.F.C.. In addition to being a sabotage against the exploitation of flora and fauna, the second purpose of this action was to create 'nervousness and paranoia in the institutions of the repressive state', and to break the imposed social order, since those who defend capitalism also defend animal exploitation.
In this decentralized action the 'Bonanno devices' were distributed in different areas of the State of Mexico and Mexico City. The informal coordination of groups and individuals for action and for animal and earth liberation is an informal organization of cells and anonymous individuals that actively struggle to abolish exploitation and capitalism. The Frente de Liberacion Animal, part of this action, is already being seen as a threat, because in all the newspapers of Mexico the news was about an 'animal extremist group;' we know that stronger battles will come and we are ready to fight them.
Those of us who shape this organization claim ourselves: young autonomous, subversive and rebellious, maintaining a permanent conflict against capitalism, exploitation and the state. Not one step back ... against exploitation ... direct action and confrontation!
This action is claimed by: The informal coordination of groups and individuals for action and for animal and earth liberation:
-Frente de liberacion animal [Animal Liberation Front] -brigada de combate vegano barry horne [Brigade of Vegan Fighter Barry Horne] -The Angry Vegan Brigade -Milicias por los derechos de los animales [Militias for Animal Rights] -F.L.A. celula 5 [ALF cell 5] -Comando verde negro [Green-Black Commando] -Celula eco-anarquista por el ataque directo [Eco-Anarchist Cell for Direct Attack] -Circulo autonomo de accion por la liberacion [Autonomous Circle of Action for Liberation] -Brigada subversiva 11 de septiembre. [September 11 Subversive Brigade]

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