Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hating the World Today

I have been working on a project for weeks on a study and possible recovery of Ancient Mayan spirituality as a response to global/environmental crisis in South/Southeast Mexico and Guatemala. In the midst of finding these amazing accounts of how the Modern Maya understand humans, nature, and animals in relationship to consciousness and time, I was sent an article, which saddened me to my core.
Last spring, I had also spent a great deal of time working on a project concerning the femicides in Juarez. Apparently, there is a new wave of "disappearances" of women along the Mexico/Guatemala border. Women coming from Central and South America to the United States in hope of a better life are kidnapped along the way. Unlike Juarez, the women are still missing, and it is unclear as to whether they have been murdered. How sad that we live in a world where certain bodies are deemed "disposable." See a link to the article below.

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