Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I woke up remembering a dream. This rarely happens. Dreams cling to my memory, usually, as blurred images and events. Faces without names. Events without purpose. Mostly, they are just a feeling. Something my body can recall, but cannot place.

In the dream, there is a man floating in the water. I see him, but can't move. I turn to the woman beside me.

"There is a man floating in the water."
"I know. I see him, too."
"He is dead."
"No, he is just floating."

I turn back to the water.

"Why would he be floating."
"Because it is better than being dead."

I try to move my feet, but still am immobile. I start to cry. I turn back to the woman.

"We have to save him."
"Why? He is only floating."

At this point, my feet are able to move. I wade into the water.

At this point, I woke up. I don't truly know the meaning of this dream. Only, that it is the only dream I have had where I can remember what is said. The only conclusion I can come to today is:

Maybe we are all just floating.

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